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Re: Squish, squish

John Hofstetter wrote:

> Michael,
> Don't forget how compressible air is. I suspect Tom is right, you have
> to get the air out first, and as Tom said that's a job for two, or a
> power bleeder, or ........
> John H.
> ----------
> >From: owner-ihc-digest@domain.elided (ihc-digest)
> >To: ihc-digest@domain.elided
> >Subject: ihc-digest V6 #924
> >Date: Sat, Jun 26, 1999, 3:49 PM

Thanks for the info, John and Tom!

I went out today and bought one of those vacuum pumps with the canister to bleed
the line by myself.  Though I don't quite understand this, and why it wouldn't
squirt more air directly out of the MC, I must admit that every time I have not
done something that you guys recommended because it didn't quite compute to me, I
have spent more money trying to find something else, only to find out you guys
were right!!!



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