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RE: Spark Plug Wires

Tom wrote:
> What do you digesters recommend?

I'm using Taylor wires.  I've heard that they are high quality, you cut them
to the length you need, but - they aren't cheap.  Something like $60.

But, I'm not really happy with the strength of the cut-your-own wires at the
distributor boot - they can come loose here.  And, it's time-consuming to
set the wires up right (it took about 2 hours of my precious little time to
fiddle with the stupid boots, etc).

I'd love to know of a more common engine that had wires of just the right
size for the IH.  Then I could order some pre-assembled wires of just the
right size.  Hopefully, they will also have the equivalent quality of the
wires I'm currently using in addition to better boots, less time required,
and perhaps cost less.  While I'm at it, I'd like them to be candy-striped
(why not?).

Ken Farmer

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