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Fiberglass vs Metal

My Scout was recently hit in an accident ;-(  (I can't get into 
details just yet, but it was bad) , and I need to start thinking 
about  repairs.  Since the frame was hammered, I am thinking about 
rebuilding a scout II from the ground up (with parts I salvage from 
my machine).
What I'd like to know is if it makes sense to go with fiberglass 
parts vs steel. has anyone had any luck using the FB parts? And how 
much should be done in FB vs steel. The fenders, Tub?

can anyone relate their experience using FB on a Scout?

Vinnie Moscaritolo
PGP: 3F903472C3AF622D5D918D9BD8B100090B3EF042

Those who hammer their swords into plows,
will plow for those who don't."

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