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Re; Skyjacking the Fleckster

Message text written by Terry Rust
>Boy do i know how you feel, I have my own small business (after hours) and
getting any kind of break is a bear. Skyjacker called information and asked
for a phone and address listing for my business name, since the phone and
address are in my name and not the business, they were unsuccessful => I
was not suitable to sell their stinks products. So sell Warn or somebody
else, they're better anyway.<


  I think you and John are missing the point here.  Skyjacker *has* to
protect their bonafide dealers from Joe Blow and his buddy down the street
who want to buy a few parts for *themselves* at wholesale prices.  I know
this situation very well and in the long run if you ever become a Skyjacker
dealer you'll appreciate their loyalty to their bonafide dealers.

  At this point it's up to you guys to convince them you are  *real*
businesses.  Getting a business phone listing is a good first step, in my
area it's only about 20 bucks more a month than a residential listing.

Good luck,



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