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Re: think different

>Technically "think different" is nothing more than Ad-Speak.. The grammar
>variation is allowed, (or so the Ad people tell me) when you are
>using it for advertising slogan.

I certainly realize that it is "ad-speak," which I am CERTAINLY glad noone
chose to label as "artistic license," in my opinion, a completely different

>Uh, So you would let an ad campaign prevent you from using superior
>technology. I ignore the ads as much as possible, and concentrate on
>using the tools to
>get my job done... but then what do I know, I work at Apple.

Much as I would not hire a pompous attorney, a pompous mechanic, or marry a
pompous wife, I shall not choose a computer based on a pompous advertising
campaign that, devloped by the advertising people or not, was agreed to by a
pompous upper level management, which, in my opinion, would make it a
pompous company.  This, of course, excludes the "desert island" scenario,
where there may be no other option that is suitable.  However, there is an
option that is as capable for my uses, and it is one that is usually less
expensive for the equivalent level.  In this instance, I shall definitely go
to the company that I feel is more than capable of the work that I ask,
without launching another cute "ad-speak" campaign that is somewhat
bothersome to those of us that pay attention to language (Speech degree with
a rhetoric concentration).  Much as if they used the word "differently" but
used Idi Amin as the picture behind the ad, I would probably stray away from
their products as well.  An ad is out there to form an impression-usually,
hopefully, favorable.  I simply have formed my impression and it is not at
all favorable.  Without a favorable view of a company, I am not going to go
out of my way to frequent them.  I have used APPLES, they are a great
machine, and I have always liked their "renegade" feel.  I use an IBM and
have no reason to switch-had their campaign used proper grammer, I may have
even considered them a bit more, as I really like the personalities to whom
they are paying homage.  However, this is-if it is "ad-speak," an offensive
to me use, as I am sure that only a minority of the people in the world get
it, and this even seems more pompous, as they are sitting up in the office
going, "These guys don't even know this is incorrect!"  And laughing at the
"ignorant masses."  Okay, i am really making them a bit too evil here.
Anyway, yes, I let an ad campaign do its job.  I am indeed guilty!

>Hey I thought this was IH-Digest not the "My pull down menu is longer
>than yours" list...

Then why are we all debating this here all of a sudden?  You are right, I
apologize.  Anyone wishing to debate this may feel free to contact me
off-digest, and anyone wanting to question my rationale on the digest may do
so if they choose.  I shall no longer respond in this forum.  I apologize
for doing so now, but feel that if my reasoning were questioned out here for
everyone, my explanation should be too.

>Vinnie Moscaritolo
>PGP: 3F903472C3AF622D5D918D9BD8B100090B3EF042
>Those who hammer their swords into plows,
>will plow for those who don't."


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