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Re: Scout II newbie needs help (longish)
Thanks for the reply John and your help!
John Landry Replied:
<Are you saying you disconnected the fuel line *after* the <fuel filter
(side closest to the carburetor)? If fuel is <just trickling *out of the
filter*, then the obvious <place to start is just replacing the fuel filter.
<If the fuel filter is not clogged and fuel is not coming <out of the fuel
line *before* the filter, then either the <fuel pump is bad *or* you have a
clogged pickup screen in <the fuel tank (major bummer). Just because the
<fuel pump was replaced, it's possible that the one you <purchased is
bad(rare, but it's happened to me on a Toyota <I once owned).
First, I checked after the filter, and then I checked *before* the filter.
Only a few drops sprayed out both ways.
<Inside the fuel tank over the end of the fuel pickup tube <is mesh screen.
<It's possible that if the inside of the fuel tank has <rusted,
orcontaminants were allowed to get into the tank, <the screen could
becomepartially or fully blocked. The <screen is quite large with lots of
surfacearea, so it <takes quite a bit of junk to completely plug it up. If
<this is the problem, then you have to drop the fuel tank, <remove the
combination fuel level sending unit and pickup <tube and clean the screen.
This could be the problem. One interesting point is that I disconected the
line from the tank to the pump, at the pump, and no gas came pouring out. Is
this normal?
<The fuel pump is very easy to remove and I'm not sure what <the problem is.
<Usually all it takes is a socket wrench with maybe a 2" <extension. I
can't remember what size the bolt head is, <but are you sure it's not 1/2"?
You do not need to remove <anything to reach it except maybe the alternator
<belts and the fuel lines (of course).
Hmh...could be some mechanic down the road changed them out. I am pretty
sure it was a 9/16ths, but I will check once again. I was trying to take it
off from underneath the vehicle, but I will approach it from the top. I
purchased a new pump just in case it is bad. Hey could I run a fuel line
from a portable gas can (5 gal. sized)to the pump, filter, and carb and try
and crank it over a few times to see if it is the tank?
<Hang in there until the shop manual arrives... it'll <reveal so many
mysteries to you. Don't despair!
<Happy New Year,
<John L.
Thanks for your help John.
-Sorry...but my girlfriend isn't going to let me work on the scout new years
eve. Oh well...can't win em' all...
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