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Re: Clutch Q's

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998 10:59:44 EST XRMEX@domain.elided writes:
>hey guys,
>well i took the scout to get worked on last week (1976 IHC Scout
Traveler 345
>4 speed stick), it had an engine overhaul. when i got it back the engine
>running fine, but the clutch is acting funny. the clutch engages just
>but the release is very high on the pedal. i half to bring the clutch
>all the way up, barely able to play with it. is there any way for me to
>it so the release is back lower like it used to be? it almost feels like
>doesn't release all the way. also since i bought it i noticed that the
>likes to take off in second gear, first gear is way too short and is
hard to
>use in city driving.  does anyone else have this problem? the previous
>said it was first was climbing hills and mountains only. That for city
>I should always take off in second. this is my 2nd scout, the first was
an '80
>turbo diesel, and that drove extremely different on the trans. any
>do I have to do a clutch job or something? How much will that run more
>less?  TIA
Sounds like you need the clutch adjusted.  The linkage is a rod that runs
vertically from the shaft under the dash straight down through the angled
part of the floorboard to the release arm on the bellhousing.  One end of
the rod has right-hand threads, the other left-hand.  There is a locking
nut on the clevis on the end under the floor.  Loosen this and then you
can twist the rod to unscrew both clevises and increase the overall
length.  The clutch release should be high, but there should also be a
bit of  free travel before the linkage touches the release bearing so
it's not working while you're going down the highway.  Sounds like the
engine position got altered slightly during the rebuild and they didn't
readjust the clutch properly.

There were 2 versions of the 4 speed available from 1975-80.  It sounds
like you have the wide ratio with a 6.32:1 low gear and yes, it is not
really usable for driving in town. It is basically a 3 speed with a
granny gear for off road use, initially intended for use with the
single-speed transfer case where a low ratio was not available. Your '80
must have had the close ratio with a 4.02 low gear.  I'm sure if you
don't like the wide ratio, you can get lots of offers to trade if you ask

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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