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FW: yugo door seals

 -----Original Message-----
From: Joe Valdez
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 1997 8:53 AM
To: renarac@domain.elided
Subject: RE: yugo door seals

Owen, this is going to be something I am going to have to find out. I   
will go to the boneyard this weekend and write down the models of those   
Yugo's. The seals I pulled off were shaped like this ' UO ' with the 'U'   
being a hard plastic which slide over the 'edge connector' on the body   
and the 'O' being the rubber type tubing that seals the weathering out. I   
will let you know what I find out.


 -----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: yugo door seals

 << File: ENVELOPE.TXT >>
I got some seals off a Yugo this summer and they did NOT fit on my Scout   

Is there a year range on this? Was there more than one Yugo model?

Owen Minor

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