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bmw-digest V9 #938
- Subject: bmw-digest V9 #938
- From: "Brant M. Miller" <brant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:35:10 -0500
John -
You need to talk to a lawyer with speciality in copyrite prior to
proceeding. There is a "one fair copy for personal use" exception to the=
general "thou shalt not copy" rule - but I'm not sure how far the excepti=
extends. If you find out, please post.
Re the conversion itsself, you will need access to professional equipment=
. =
Something that reads the microfitch thru high quality optics and onto a
high resolution sensor. A quick look at the prints made of most microfit=
shows they are hard to read. The lines fade out from time to time.
>Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 12:54:58 EST
From: EdgemanCA@domain.elided
Subject: BMW Service Manuals, Fiche to CD Conversion
I have started inquiring about converting my BMW microfiche servi=
manual to
a format I can use at home, the venerable computer CD. Has anyone
this conversion before, and if so, what company did they use?