Broken front Air Scoop, '95 M3 Lux
Subject: Broken front Air Scoop, '95 M3 Lux
From: "David A. Wilson, P.E." <platy01@domain.elided>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 21:03:37 -0700
Help, I just discover a big mess under the front end of my car last weekend. I was in
Carmel for the Monterey Historics when my buddy asked me what I had hanging from under my
car on the drivers side. Much to my surprise and disappointment, it was half of my front
air scoop hanging down. Upon closer inspection it appears that I hit something that tore
the plastic pieces away from their bolts and shreaded parts of the large bottom piece
near the far drivers side.
I thought I was taking extra good care of my sleek black beauty but this one really has
me puzzled. Has anyone else had this experience? Is this something I can fix myself?
Where is the best place to obtain parts? Where would I find a manual or instructions to
guide me?
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I had a marvelous time over the weekend. It was fun and exciting to be part of such
a huge event. A very special kudos to the three crowbars that put the whole thing
together and made it wonderful, Ken Whitson and the Wollenbergs, Kelly & Keith.
David Wilson, '95 M3 Cosmos Black Luxury, wounded in action :(