Dear Ira....(ABS and Airbags)
Subject: Dear Ira....(ABS and Airbags)
From: Ben Greisler <bgreisle@domain.elided>
Date: Mon, 05 Aug 1996 14:00:17 -0400
Ira, methinks you have a misconception about the use of ABS. It
is not something that the uninformed need to keep safe, but a
tool that all can use once you have an understanding of its
operation. I won't go into all of the details here, it has been beat
up over and over again, but think of it this way: If it was good
enough for the Touring Car M3's and others cars, shouldn't it be
good for you? ABS allows a realm of control in situations where
you should be worrying more about where the car is going than
how to slow it down. I will grant you that the ABS is removed
from our M3 rally car, but that was more a function of it not
working when we got the car and not having the time or money
to fix that problem. If it had worked, I would have rigged it so it
could be turned on and off as the situation dictated. I co-drove in
another car (Prelude VTEC) that the only way we could keep the
engine running (the roads were amazingly slick) was to run with
the ABS so the left foot braking didn't lock up the wheels and
stall the engine! Also, be grateful for ABS everytime that jetliners
you are on lands!
As for airbags blocking your view, it is very obvious that you have
never seen one work! The bag inflates so quickly that it is
actually deflating by the time you hit it! I'm sorry, but your
arguements sound like the same arguements that were used
back in the 70's when this technology started to come out and
again in the 80's when you could buy it on more than one or two
Personally I could do without airbags if they gave us real
seatbelts, but I'll keep ABS (with a switch thank you) and even
traction control.
Better living through electronics!