Caravan to Montery Historic Races
Hi folks,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am organizing a carvan to the
Montery Historic Races for people in Southern California (for the San Diego
CCA and the LA ACA). Anyone who is interested can email me or call me at
(714) 854-4233. I plan to leave in the morning on Wed. Aug. 14. However if
there are enough people that want to leave on other days then I will
coordinate them and put them in touch with each other. Preliminarily I am
planning on having three meeting points (San Diego, Orange County, Los
Angeles). This may also change depending on how many people respond and where
they are located. If you are interested please let me know soon so I can make
the plans more definite.
Juan Bruce
BMW CCA 95025
'85 ///M635
'95 ///M3